(This question has been seen in the interviews of the following companies: Linkedin, Google, Facebook)
How to randomly select a number in an array?
array: [15, 2, 4, 5, 1, -2, 0]
Given a second array freq where freq[i] represents the occurrence of the ith number in array, how to randomly select a number in array based on the frequency.
Extra requirement:
Could you complete the selection in a single-pass(go through each array only once)?
static public int pickRandom(int[] array, int[] freq) {
int[] sums = new int[array.length];
int randValue = 0;
int sum = 0;
int randIndex = 0;
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
sums[i] = sum + freq[i];
randValue += random.nextInt(freq[i] + 1);
sum += freq[i];
while(randIndex < (array.length - 1)
&& randValue >= sums[randIndex]
&& randIndex <= i ) {
return array[randIndex];
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