[Google Onsite]Tree Game

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(This question has been seen in the interviews of the following companies: Google)

Tree Game

Data Structure:
class TreeNode { 
TreeNode parent; //parent node 
TreeNode left; //left child 
TreeNode right; //right child 

Two people in a game, player scores by claiming nodes in binary tree, tree node class as shown above.
The player who eventually owns more nodes wins the game.
Player A and B each claims a node at first.
After the first round, a player will only be able to claim a node adjacent to any node owned by himself.
A tree node is adjacent to its parent, left right and right child.
A node owned cannot be re-claimed.
End game when all nodes are owned.
If player A gets the first claim at node N, find whether it is possible for player B to win.
If yes, find out which node player B should claim at his first move.

Follow up:
if player B takes the first hand instead, which node should he pick?

class TreeNode { 
TreeNode parent; //parent node 
TreeNode left; //left child 
TreeNode right; //right child 


class TreeNode {
        int id;
        TreeNode left;
        TreeNode right;
        TreeNode parent;
        TreeNode(int id) {
            this.id = id;
        The opponent's first move on Node N divides the tree into 3 components - left subtree, right subtree and parent branch of N.
        Your best move is to claim a node adjacent to Node N at the biggest component.
        Function countNodes() counts the sizes of 3 components. Function win() finds the largest component, whose size is your score.

    public static boolean win(TreeNode root, TreeNode n) { //N is the first move by opponent
        int sizeParent = countNodes(n.parent, n); //size of parent component
        int sizeLeft = countNodes(n.left, n);   //size of left subtree component
        int sizeRight = countNodes(n.right, n); //size of right subtree component

        int myScore = Math.max(Math.max(sizeParent, sizeLeft), sizeRight); //I take the biggest component
        int treeSize = 1 + sizeParent + sizeLeft + sizeRight;
        int opponentScore = treeSize - myScore; //opponent takes remaining nodes
        System.out.print("my best score is " + myScore + "/" + treeSize + ". ");
        if(myScore > opponentScore) {
            TreeNode bestmove = myScore == sizeParent ? n.parent: myScore == sizeLeft ? n.left : n.right;
            System.out.println("my first move on " + bestmove.id);
        return myScore > opponentScore;

    private static int countNodes(TreeNode node, TreeNode ignore) {
        if(node == null) return 0;
        int count = 1;
        if(node.parent != ignore) {
            count += countNodes(node.parent, node);
        if(node.left != ignore) {
            count += countNodes(node.left, node);
        if(node.right != ignore) {
            count += countNodes(node.right, node);
        return count;

Solution to the followup:

        To find the best move we must count the sizes of 3 adjacent components for every node in the tree.
        If exists a node whose biggest adjacent component is smaller than treesize/2, the node is your best move, cuz your opponent won't be able to get a score higher than treesize/2.
        In some cases there is no winning play, like on a tree with 2 nodes.

        We can store the component sizes of every node in a 2-dimensional cache.
        1st dimension: node
        2nd dimension: which component (parent, left or right)
        value: size of component


    public static int bestMove(TreeNode root) {
        if(root == null) return -1;
        if(root.left == null && root.right == null) return root.id;

        // map stores size of every component
        // each node at most has 3 components - to its left, to its right, to its top (parent)
        // Map>
        Map> components = new HashMap<>();
        TreeNode dummy = new TreeNode(-1);
        dummy.left = root;

        //calculate size of child components for all nodes
        getComponentSize(dummy, root, components);

        int treeSize = components.get(dummy).get(root);
        for(TreeNode node: components.keySet()) {
            int maxComponentSize = 0; //maximum score possible for opponent
            for(int size: components.get(node).values()) {
                if(size > maxComponentSize) maxComponentSize = size;
            if(treeSize / 2.0 > maxComponentSize) { //opponent cannot get half of the tree. You win.
                return node.id; //best first move
        return -1; //no winning play

    private static int getComponentSize(TreeNode n, TreeNode branch, Map> components) {
        if(n == null || branch == null) return 0;

        if(components.containsKey(n) && components.get(n).containsKey(branch)) {
            return components.get(n).get(branch); // component size of a branch from node n (n excluded)
        // a node n has 3 branches at most - parent, left, right
        if(!components.containsKey(n)) {
            components.put(n, new HashMap<>());

        int size = 1; // 1 is the size of TreeNode branch
        if(branch == n.left || branch == n.right) {
            //size of the subtree 'branch' is size(branch.left) + size(branch.right) + 1
            size += getComponentSize(branch, branch.left, components);
            size += getComponentSize(branch, branch.right, components);
        } else { //else when (branch == n.parent)
            //see the tree from left-side or right-side view (see parent as a child; see one of the children as parent)
            //size of the component is size(branch.parent) + size(branch.left/right child)
            size += getComponentSize(branch, branch.parent, components);
            size += branch.left == n ? getComponentSize(branch, branch.right, components) : getComponentSize(branch, branch.left, components);
        components.get(n).put(branch, size); // cache the result of recursion
        getComponentSize(n, n.parent, components); // calculate size of parent component for current node
        return size;

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