Convert BST to Double Linked List
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Convert a binary search tree to a double linked list.
The first thing to consider is: do we need to construct a new linked list?
Not necessarily. If you understand the tree and linked list structure well enough, the answer should be clear.
Since a tree node
class TreeNode {
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;
has the exact same number of pointers as a double linked list node
class ListNode {
ListNode prev;
ListNode next;
It is best for us to do the conversion in place. Take node.left as a prev pointer and node.right as a next pointer.
Now the problem becomes how to change some of the direction of pointers in the tree to convert it to a list.
This can be done easily by Depth First Search.
For every node N in the tree, call recursion to convert n.left and n.right to double linked lists.
List l1 = BSTtoDLL(n.left);
List l2 = BSTtoDLL(n.right);
Then append N to l1, and append l2. This creates a double linked list L that contain every node in N and the left and right subtrees of N.
Return L at last.
public class BSTtoDLL {
class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;
public TreeNode[] BSTtoDLL (TreeNode root) {
if(root == null) return null;
TreeNode[] prev = BSTtoDLL(root.left); //DLL of left subtree
TreeNode[] next = BSTtoDLL(root.right); //DLL of right subtree
TreeNode[] res = new TreeNode[] {root, root};
if(prev != null) {
prev[1].right = root; //append root to tail of prev list
root.left = prev[1];
res[0] = prev[0];
if(next != null) {
next[0].left = root; //append head of next list to root
root.right = next[0];
res[1] = next[1];
return res;
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