Longest OR
There is an array of n integers, arr, and two integers mn and mx.
For each of arr's subarrays, find the binary value of the bitwise OR of all elements. If the number of 1 bits is between mn and mx, inclusive, it's a good subarray.
Determine the length of the longest good subarray.
Note: A subarray is any segment of adjacent elements in an array. For example, if arr = [1, 2, 3] , [1, 2] is a subarray but [1, 3] is not.
Function Description
Complete the function longestGoodSubarray in the editor.
longestGoodSubarray has the following parameters:
- int arr[n] : an array of integers
- int mn : an integer
- int mx : an integer
int : the length of the longest good subarray
Example 1 :
Input: arr = [0, 3, 4, 1, 5], mn = 1, mx = 2
Output: 3
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