Maximum XOR Suffix
An array of n integers, arr , is given. Pick any index then calculate the XOR of the array from that index through the highest index. Append the value to the array. Repeat this process zero or more times. Determine the highest value possible.
Function Description
Complete the function maximumValue in the editor below.
maximumValue has the following parameter:
- int arr[n] : the starting array
int : the maximum possible value in the array
Example 1 :
Input: arr = [8, 2, 4, 12, 1]
Output: 14
Explantion is shwon in the image above
The max strength possible is 14.
Example 2 :
Input: arr = [1, 2, 3]
Output: 3
Regardless of what index is chosen, the XOR value can never be greater than
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