System Design Interview Guide 2024

Posted by Yolo



Guide for your System Design Interview

System design is such a broad topic. To become an expert, you need to read many books, articles, and solve real large scale system design problems. You can dive into each topic in the appendix of this article if you have time.
A system design interview, however, can be cracked with a systematic approach in a short time. This article teaches a step-by-step approach to owning your system design interview.

Think of a system design interview as an open-ended discussion in which you'll be expected to work with your interviewer, just as two team members would, to solve a real problem related to the company's goals.
One can hardly be an expert on all the systems listed. And you are not expected to be. Your thought process behind your design choices is more important than the final design.
The shortcut is to familiarize yourself with the topics that system design interview questions may involve and how to approach them. You'll also need to be able to

  • methodically explore different directions
  • ask the right questions
  • understand best practices and common pitfalls of distributed systems


System Design Interview: A Step-by-Step Approach

The system design interview is an open-ended conversation you'll be expected to lead. Try using the following steps to guide your discussion:

Step 1 - Clarify the Goals

Clarifying ambiguities early in the system design interview is critical. For that reason, ensure you understand the basic requirements by asking clarification questions. Start with the most basic assumptions:

  • What is the goal of the system?
  • Who are the users of the system? What do they need it for? How are they going to use it?
  • What are the inputs and outputs of the system?

Even if you're asked about a well-known product, you should still share your assumptions about it with your interviewer. You may find that you and your interviewer don't have the same assumptions about products like Twitter, Pinterest, or Reddit. In addition to helping you focus, it demonstrates product sensibility and good teamwork.

Step 2 - Identify the Use Cases

Now that you understand the system, you should describe the feature set you'll discuss. Try to define all the features and all the components you think of in order of importance to the user. You don't have to get it right on your first attempt, but make sure you and your interviewer agree. Ask clarifying questions, such as:

  • Do we want to discuss the end-to-end experience or just the API?
  • What clients do we like to support (mobile, web, etc.)?
  • Do we require authentication? Analytics? Integrating with existing systems?

Take a few minutes to discuss this with your interviewer, and write it down.

Step 3 - Design for the Right Scale

The same feature set requires a very different approach for different scales. It's essential to determine the scale to know whether your data can fit on one machine or whether you need to scale the reads. You might ask:

  • How many requests per second, requests types, data written per second, data read per second?
  • What's the average expected response time?
  • What is the expected read-to-write ratio?

Different answers require very different designs, so getting the scale right is key to success.

Step 4 - High-level Architecture Design

Start with covering the end-to-end process based on the goals you've established. This might include detailing different clients, APIs, backend services, offline processes, network architecture, and data stores and how they all come together to meet the requirements. Sketch the important components and the connections between them, but don't go into details. Usually, a scalable system includes webserver (load balancer), service (service partition), database (primary/secondary database cluster plug cache). This is also an excellent point to identify the system's entry points, such as:

  • User interaction
  • External API calls
  • Offline processes

This will allow the conversation to drill down into potential performance bottlenecks and decisions about separating responsibilities. Whichever approach you choose to start with, remember to always start simple and iterate.


Step 5 - Component design

For each component, you need to write the specific APIs for each component. You might need to finish the detailed OOD design for a particular function. You might also need to design the database schema for the database.



Throughout the process of designing a system, almost every decision will involve a tradeoff. Being able to describe them in real-time, as you're suggesting solutions, shows that you understand that complex systems often require compromises and allow you to demonstrate your knowledge in the pros and cons of different approaches.
A few common examples might include the following:

  • What type of database would you use and why?
  • What caching solutions are out there? Which would you choose and why?
  • What frameworks can we use as infrastructure in your ecosystem of choice?

Practice is Key

While you can definitely hone down the theory by yourself, the last piece of the puzzle is practice.
Make sure to apply these steps time and time again. Check out the hot questions listed below.
It's the combination of knowledge, technique, and practice, that'll enable you to land your dream job.


Products and Systems

The following papers/articles/slides can help you to understand the general design idea of different real products and systems.


Hot Questions and Reference

There are some good references for each question. The references here are slides and articles.

Design a CDN network

Design a Google document system

Design a random ID generation system

Design a key-value database

Design the Facebook news feed function

Design the Facebook timeline function

Design a function to return the top k requests during past time interval

Design an online multiplayer card game

Design a graph search function

Design a picture sharing system

Design a search engine

Design a recommendation system

Design a tinyurl system

Design a garbage collection system

Design a scalable web crawling system

Design the Facebook chat function

Design a trending topic system

Design a cache system

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