Anthropic Online Assessment -- How it works
90 minutes
What needs to be done
1 problem in 4 levels
4 Levels
Level 1 is normally simple, considered Leetcode easy Level 2 will be based on Level 1 and harder, considered Leetcode medium Level 3 will be based on Level 2 and harder, considered Leetcode medium Level 4 will be based on Level 2 and harder, considered Leetcode Hard
The total score of problems should be 1000 with 250 for each level
Ref how the score works:
Demo Test
Before the OA, there was a test email from CodeSignal, so you can brief test the online judge and see how it works.
Important: it's different with other online assessment and leetcode.
You need to install lib,and start the service,and finally run the debugger.
Make sure you try it first before the OA.