Maximum XOR for Each Query
Given array arr of length n, we define function f(arr) as - if n=1, f(arr) = arr[0];
else, f(arr) = f(arr[0] ^ arr[1], arr[1] ^ arr[2],..., arr[n-2] ^ arr[n-1]) where ^ is bitwise XOR operator.
For example, arr = [1, 2, 4, 8], n = 4
f(1, 2, 4, 8) = f(1^2, 2^4, 4^8) = (3,6,12) = f(3^6,6^12) = f(5, 10) = f(5^10) = f(15) = 15.
You need to answer q queries, each query you are given two integers l and r. For each query, what is the maximum of f() for all continuous subsegments of the array from l to r.
Function Description
Complete the function maximumXORForEachQuery in the editor.
maximumXORForEachQuery has the following parameters:
- int arr[] : an array of integers
- int l : an integer representing the left index of the range
- int r : an integer representing the right index of the range
int : the maximum XOR value for all continuous subsegments of the array from l to r
Example 1 :
Input: arr = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32], l = 1, r = 4
Output: 15
Ans = Max(f(2), f(4), f(8), f(16), f(2,4), f(4,8), f(8,16), f(2,4,8), f(4,8,16), f(2,4,8,16)), which is 15.